Home Again

29 06 2010

Sorry for being MIA. This Sunday I moved back in the the parents… yay… not really. I am home until I leave for basic training. I hope to be here for 6 months MAX. It all depends on my weight loss. And things are progressing with that too. I will update the stats page but this morning I weighed my least so far in this weight loss journey. Putting me at 42 pounds lost!!!!!

I went running yesterday and I had a big FAIL. I went to the nature trails and totally ate it while going down a hill. I fell and slid down part of it on my butt and I got all dirty. If you know me well you know that I DESPISE dirt and mud. I just HATE the feeling of it on me. So I ran probably a mile and then called it a day. Like I said, big fail.

I think there might be a public track at the park in town so I am going to run there tomorrow. I called the high school and apparently they don’t let the public run on the outdoor (there is a huge fence around it) or indoor tracks. Which is STUPID.

I plan on lifting weights tonight at the gym and getting nice and sore in the process. I need to pump some iron to work out my frustration with being home and having to deal with my younger sisters. One of them has been a huge biotch since I have been here. She can suck it.

And I miss my running buddy dearly. It makes me sad sometimes that we won’t get to run together until our 5k in August. Which reminds me again of how I need to get my butt in gear so I don’t embarrass myself in public.

Picking Back Up

24 06 2010

My running is picking back up and that makes me feel so much better about myself. I ran 2.76 miles today on the indoor track and it felt great. I started getting tired at a little over 2 miles but I pushed myself and finished 2.76. I am supposed to run 3 miles next week for 3 days and then that will be the graduation from Couch to 5k. Its crazy how 2 months ago I could barely run a minute and now I will be doing 3 miles. I am so proud of my accomplishment. I want to tell everyone I know, and if they get annoyed with me than they can go to hell. I am proud.

Now I just need to get comfortable enough with the distance where I can start working on my pace. I want to do GREAT on my run for the military. I don’t want to have to worry about my PT test while I am away. I also need to kick some more weight. I have been hovering in the 195s and its a little frustrating. But at least I am not gaining weight I guess.

On a completely unrelated note, my Mom and I went shopping and I got 2 t-shirts (SIZE MEDIUM!!!!) and a new pair of jeans (SIVE 14!!!!) from the GAP… all for $13!!!!! VICTORY!

I also sprayed some of Dolce and Gabbana’s La Lune 18 perfume on and I love it. When I have $65 to spare I am SO going to buy a bottle of this stuff.

New Stats and a New Page

23 06 2010

As promised I have my stats page updated. I have also made a new photo page where you can see my body change in a series of weekly photos that I will post there. I use my macbook for the photos so I apologize for the crap quality but meh, the thought is there. Maybe someday I will find the charger to my camera.


22 06 2010

So the wedding I had this weekend was fabulous. Congrats to my friends for tying the knot! The ceremony was beautiful and I had a ton of fun at the reception.

I also drank too much booze, did not adhere to my diet, and neglected to run while there. So I sucked at life. Buuuut…. I don’t get to see my circle of friends all the time so it was ok that I decided to cut loose a little and party with my friends.

I had a lot of fun at the reception and I did dance a lot so hopefully I burned some calories on the dance floor.

Sunday I did run a little over a mile while at home. I went on some trails in the nature park. I really enjoyed the scenery but MAN! those hills can be hard! I look forward to mastering the trails when I leave my college town on Sunday. 😦

So I jumped back on the band wagon today with running. I went to the indoor track on campus and enjoyed a track and AC for once. I managed to get a little over 2.5 miles in but then I had to leave because the track was closing at 7, lame. I still wanted to do another quarter mile but, meh. I got a great run in! I felt awesome the whole time which was nice after a week of shitty runs and feeling bad about myself.

I weighed in this morning a little lighter too, which was surprising since I did not follow my health plan over the weekend. I have been lax on updating my statistics page. I promise to update tomorrow morning after I weigh in! Don’t hate me!

Well, I hope everyone is well and that life is going great for all of you. Until next time!


17 06 2010

Yes. I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. I weigh myself everyday, every morning. Some people may say this is psychotic and harmful. I think its a grand ol’ time. I get up, do my business and then I strip to my skivvies (I don’t want the .3 pounds of my bra adding to my weight!) and I get on the scale. The same thoughts always go through my head as I weight for the scale to tell me how fat I am that day. Do I feel lighter? Do I feel heavier? and OMG I left a sock on the scale is going to count it!

Lately I have not been losing weight. I was all excited cause I was in the 195 range and now I am back to dancing in the 197s. I know there is NO WAY I could have actually gained 2 pounds. That would be 7000 extra calories not burned… yeah there is no way.

Someone tell that to my fucking scale! I am going to light it on fire before I am done. Or at least buy another scale instead of the $17 Wal Mart special I own then I can drag it behind the car and laugh maniacally while the cops pull me over and lock me up for littering.

So this is a rant. This is me expressing my frustration with my non-weight loss. At least I know my body is still changing. I am in another size smaller jeans. I also put on my favorite dress tonight and it sags in the back now, its a halter top. So thats bittersweet, I loved that dress.

Well good night I guess.

Run Rundown: June 12, 2010

12 06 2010

Today was Couch to 5k week 8 day 1. We ran at 6:30 am since I had to work at 8:30 am this morning. We figured we would get a jump on the heat and try to avoid the worst of it… to our surprise the heat was the least of our worries. The humidity today was UNBEARABLE, even at 6:30 am. I felt like I was breathing in water it was so humid.

BUT, we managed to man up and get the run done. It wasn’t so bad, except for the humidity. We got a 2.75 mile run under our belts and we did pretty well. I am looking forward to graduating from Couch to 5k just so I can say I stuck through it and did it. Now I just need to start looking around for a stepping stone plan to keep running and up my distances and pace.

Great Breakfast Ideas

11 06 2010

So I realized I haven’t posted anything about food on here for the health conscious dieter. Just because you are dieting does not mean you don’t get yummy food. Sure you have to cut out some food items (PUT DOWN THE CHEETOS!) but in the end you realize you never really liked them anyways.

For any diet its important to start the day with a good breakfast. I used to NEVER eat breakfast and sometimes I still have to force myself to eat it. But eating a good breakfast wakes up your metabolism after a night of sleep and therefore encourages more healthy weight loss.

Here are some of my favorite breakfasts:

1. Quaker Lower Sugar oatmeal, a banana, and a glass of skim milk. (Make the oatmeal with water, not milk)

2. Fiber One cereal with skim milk, 1 unit of Greek Yogurt, 8oz glass of orange juice. (Make sure you read the labels on juices and find one that is lower in sugar)

3. Whole Wheat English Muffin with Sugar Free jam and fresh pineapple on the side. Skim milk to drink. (READ THE LABEL. Companies cheat and use enriched wheat flour. This is just white flower colored to make it brown. Only buy bread items that have the first ingredient as WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR.)

As with everything make sure you watch serving size. Its easy to use too much of a food and not realize it. If you are counting calories make sure you log everything that you consume. I use a fast and easy online tool called the daily plate the tracks your calories and even breaks everything down so you know how much carbs, sugar, protein etc. that you consume and how much you SHOULD be consuming. You can keep calorie goals and track weight loss on a spiffy graph. Here is the link for the Daily Plate. Everyone should keep track of what they eat.




Ok. So. I hope you guys like these ideas for yummy healthy breakfasts. I think I will go on and post about snacks, lunches, and dinners. When I get some more time to sit down and blog.

Have a great day!!!

Updates and Statistics and Rambling

6 06 2010

I went and updated my statistics since it is Sunday. I had a little bit of a loss from last week to today, though my weight jumps around a LOT. Yesterday I weighed in at 195.8 and then today I am in the 197s again. At least its all still below 200 pounds.

I think I need to eat more. I have a goal of 1500 calories a day and I rarely make my goal. I am almost always around 1200-1300 calories for the day. While that might seem good, its really not. I think I am not consuming enough to let my body let go of weight. I have trouble eating more though because I HATE feeling overly-full… if that makes any sense.

On a personal note:

My boyfriend is in Connecticut for the summer with a really nice internship with ESPN. I am happy that he is there and having fun and getting great experience, but I also miss him a lot. We talk daily though so that helps. And I will be flying up there to visit him in July. I am hoping I get my Coach 25% off coupon for the small window of time I will be there. I am visiting the Coach store on Madison Avenue no matter what and I want to do some shopping. I also want to get more toned and lose more weight so he can see a difference in my appearance, I want to give him a nice surprise!

My running has been in a lull because my running buddy is feeling a bit under the weather. We are waiting to run again because I don’t want her to get even sicker. Though I might go for a run tomorrow even is she is unable… I really want to get back out there after the great 2.5 mile run I had on Thursday!

I am going to post a challenge to you all (whoever reads this little blog) and I want you all to participate. Look for the super awesome challenge in the next few hours. Maybe I can come up with a prize for the winner if I get enough participants….

Updated Stats

2 06 2010

I updated my stats page as promised. I put it off after I weighed in at a dismal number yesterday morning after my weekend at home. Stepped on the scale this morning after a good day of eating and running and the number was much better… so yeah. Stats are updated.

Not too much going on today. Just work this afternoon, no exercising since I will be on my feet for 7 hours being a cashier. I am running early tomorrow morning at 7:30am so look for another run rundown there. We are supposed to run 2.5 miles, no walking…. I hope I don’t die.


1 06 2010

Sorry I have been away for the weekend! I went home and I brought my laptop yet neglected to bring my charger. I have a macbook and no one else in my family has one so I was stranded with no connection to my blog. I had a graduation party this Saturday and then I went to the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday. So I really would not have had a lot of time to blog anyways.

I am confessing to you all that I was bad on my diet. I didn’t go out and eat everything deep fried or anything, but I didn’t count calories or measure my servings. I was bad and ate:

Pizza ( But it was MOTHER BEAR’S!!… thats my reasoning)


Ice Cream ( But it was light/low fat ice cream)

I weighed in this morning at 201… There is NO WAY I could have messed up THAT bad over the weekend when I was 197 last week. It better just be water weight or I am going to throw my scale out the window. I will update my stats page today. I might weigh myself again in a desperate attempt to lower the number on the scale.

Anyways, I hope all is well and that everyone had a fantastic weekend!