Home Again

29 06 2010

Sorry for being MIA. This Sunday I moved back in the the parents… yay… not really. I am home until I leave for basic training. I hope to be here for 6 months MAX. It all depends on my weight loss. And things are progressing with that too. I will update the stats page but this morning I weighed my least so far in this weight loss journey. Putting me at 42 pounds lost!!!!!

I went running yesterday and I had a big FAIL. I went to the nature trails and totally ate it while going down a hill. I fell and slid down part of it on my butt and I got all dirty. If you know me well you know that I DESPISE dirt and mud. I just HATE the feeling of it on me. So I ran probably a mile and then called it a day. Like I said, big fail.

I think there might be a public track at the park in town so I am going to run there tomorrow. I called the high school and apparently they don’t let the public run on the outdoor (there is a huge fence around it) or indoor tracks. Which is STUPID.

I plan on lifting weights tonight at the gym and getting nice and sore in the process. I need to pump some iron to work out my frustration with being home and having to deal with my younger sisters. One of them has been a huge biotch since I have been here. She can suck it.

And I miss my running buddy dearly. It makes me sad sometimes that we won’t get to run together until our 5k in August. Which reminds me again of how I need to get my butt in gear so I don’t embarrass myself in public.


22 06 2010

So the wedding I had this weekend was fabulous. Congrats to my friends for tying the knot! The ceremony was beautiful and I had a ton of fun at the reception.

I also drank too much booze, did not adhere to my diet, and neglected to run while there. So I sucked at life. Buuuut…. I don’t get to see my circle of friends all the time so it was ok that I decided to cut loose a little and party with my friends.

I had a lot of fun at the reception and I did dance a lot so hopefully I burned some calories on the dance floor.

Sunday I did run a little over a mile while at home. I went on some trails in the nature park. I really enjoyed the scenery but MAN! those hills can be hard! I look forward to mastering the trails when I leave my college town on Sunday. 😦

So I jumped back on the band wagon today with running. I went to the indoor track on campus and enjoyed a track and AC for once. I managed to get a little over 2.5 miles in but then I had to leave because the track was closing at 7, lame. I still wanted to do another quarter mile but, meh. I got a great run in! I felt awesome the whole time which was nice after a week of shitty runs and feeling bad about myself.

I weighed in this morning a little lighter too, which was surprising since I did not follow my health plan over the weekend. I have been lax on updating my statistics page. I promise to update tomorrow morning after I weigh in! Don’t hate me!

Well, I hope everyone is well and that life is going great for all of you. Until next time!

Running Problems

16 06 2010

Yesterday I went running. I was supposed to go 2.75 miles, but I only went 2. I can blame it on the weather, the fact that a big part of the trail was underwater, and that my running buddy wasn’t feeling well. But ultimately its just my pure wussiness that I didn’t finish the distance. I felt horrible about myself.

Then this morning I got up and went running again. I wanted to redo my run and hopefully go the full 2.75 miles. Well I have never ran 2 days in a row before and let me tell you, transitioning to running more days a week is gonna suck. My hands were tingly and numb and my calves hurt like a b*tch. I only did about 1.25 miles this morning. So more running problems.

My new plan is to rest tomorrow and then run at home (I am going home tomorrow) in the park on some wooded trails. I have a funeral to go to tomorrow and then a wedding this weekend so I am going to be very busy and I will be unable to run this weekend. I need my run on Friday to go well or I am going to feel bad about it all weekend.

PS- I fit in to size 14 jeans now. And I was able to fit into a cute skirt at Charlotte Russe so I bought it. I want to wear it to the rehearsal activities for the wedding this weekend so I can look cute for my boyfriend I haven’t seen in 3 weeks.

Run Rundown: June 12, 2010

12 06 2010

Today was Couch to 5k week 8 day 1. We ran at 6:30 am since I had to work at 8:30 am this morning. We figured we would get a jump on the heat and try to avoid the worst of it… to our surprise the heat was the least of our worries. The humidity today was UNBEARABLE, even at 6:30 am. I felt like I was breathing in water it was so humid.

BUT, we managed to man up and get the run done. It wasn’t so bad, except for the humidity. We got a 2.75 mile run under our belts and we did pretty well. I am looking forward to graduating from Couch to 5k just so I can say I stuck through it and did it. Now I just need to start looking around for a stepping stone plan to keep running and up my distances and pace.

Run Rundown: June 9,2010

10 06 2010

Last day of 2.5 mile runs on the couch to 5k plan. We have been gradually speeding up the pace, whether we mean to or not, and I clocked an 11’32” mile last night. Pretty good. The run felt great. Not too winded, at least not until the last quarter mile or so.

On saturday I have made plans to start week 8, 2.75 mile runs. We are running at 6:30 am! I am crazy, I just know it.

We are just 2 weeks away from the end of the plan. I am very proud of my running buddy and myself. I just can’t believe I am able to go these distances and still feel great (and alive). I plan on registering for a 10k this September. An Air Force one in Ohio. I hope I will be able to do it. If I am away to basic training I won’t be upset about it though!

Updates and Statistics and Rambling

6 06 2010

I went and updated my statistics since it is Sunday. I had a little bit of a loss from last week to today, though my weight jumps around a LOT. Yesterday I weighed in at 195.8 and then today I am in the 197s again. At least its all still below 200 pounds.

I think I need to eat more. I have a goal of 1500 calories a day and I rarely make my goal. I am almost always around 1200-1300 calories for the day. While that might seem good, its really not. I think I am not consuming enough to let my body let go of weight. I have trouble eating more though because I HATE feeling overly-full… if that makes any sense.

On a personal note:

My boyfriend is in Connecticut for the summer with a really nice internship with ESPN. I am happy that he is there and having fun and getting great experience, but I also miss him a lot. We talk daily though so that helps. And I will be flying up there to visit him in July. I am hoping I get my Coach 25% off coupon for the small window of time I will be there. I am visiting the Coach store on Madison Avenue no matter what and I want to do some shopping. I also want to get more toned and lose more weight so he can see a difference in my appearance, I want to give him a nice surprise!

My running has been in a lull because my running buddy is feeling a bit under the weather. We are waiting to run again because I don’t want her to get even sicker. Though I might go for a run tomorrow even is she is unable… I really want to get back out there after the great 2.5 mile run I had on Thursday!

I am going to post a challenge to you all (whoever reads this little blog) and I want you all to participate. Look for the super awesome challenge in the next few hours. Maybe I can come up with a prize for the winner if I get enough participants….

Run Rundown: June 3, 2010

3 06 2010

Well today was Couch to 5k Week 7 Day 1. 2.5 mile run, no walking. We went to the greenway trailhead near downtown to get a change of pace (ha… running humor). It was great to see different things and its a nice stretch of trail.

The weather was over cast and the temp was still pretty comfortable since we ran at about 7:30 am. We had a nice breeze and no sun to make us sweat too bad. It also started to rain right during our warm down walk which cooled us nicely.

We took the pace pretty slow since we had some trouble with the 2.25 mile run on Tuesday, but we had NO problems with this one. I think this weekend we will pick up the pace a bit to improve our speed and give us a little bit more of a challenge.

I am starting to actually feel like a runner now… I AM a runner.

Run Rundown: May 25,2010

25 05 2010

Did Week 6 Day 1 tonight. We ran on campus at about 10 pm. The temperature was better than on Sunday but it was still sooo humid out. It was also the second to last day of intervals. I am not going to say it was an easy run, but we have been running faster lately and we can really feel it about a 1/4 mile into the run.

I can tell that the rest of the plan is going to be hard. There is only one more day of intervals and then we run considerable distances for the rest of it. We are getting to the end and I hope we can finish this without dying.

Taking Care of Business and Some Rambling

21 05 2010

So today is an off day/rest day. No running and I am not going to the gym. I find it hard to exercise on days when I work long shifts at wal mart. I am constantly moving and standing as a cashier so I get my workout in just because of the sheer amount of time I spend there.

So I was thinking in the shower this morning and I realized that perhaps the single greatest benefit from losing weight has been the huge improvement in my self esteem. I thought of this while shaving my legs… my whole leg, not just from the knee down like I have done for the past 5-7 years. I never shaved above the knee because I never showed my leg above the knee, cause I never wore short or short skirts. The most daring I got in the summer was rolling up my jeans to the knee…. sexay.

But now that I wear more revealing clothes I am forced to groom more. Which I am totally fine with! Sure it takes more time but I would rather be comfortable enough with my body to wear clothing I have bypassed for years and spend more time in the shower than hide behind my insecurities.

I also take a little more pride in my appearance. I feel better about myself so I put more effort into how I look. Even if I am just going to work. Its a good thing.

Oh, I am almost out of my Clinique face wash too, I noticed that today. Which is totally off topic besides the fact that I don’t think I have EVER finished an entire bottle of face anything, but this facial soap is $15 a bottle… *sigh* I don’t have that kind of money to spend on facial soap but I am going to do it anyways.

Oh, and my dog, Holly, and I have been besties this week. The boyfriend is gone to Nebraska getting ready to leave for an internship with ESPN in Connecticut for the ENTIRE summer. So Holly and I are having a girls’ week. Which just consists of Holly sitting next to me on the couch and being spoiled rotten. 🙂

Today’s Run: May 18,2010

18 05 2010

Today we ran 2.51 miles. We decided to run on a different part of the Cardinal Greenway (nice paved trails) that put us over the river and through some of downtown. We also took a faster pace than normal which was nice. I think I might have been feeling like I wasn’t working hard enough going the pace we were running at so I might challenge us a bit and go faster. And since we are redoing a week it feels better to go a little faster.

Nothing too interesting happened. We saw some hobos by an old train station, we were harassed by some kids that were on a bridge that spanned above the trail,there were geese I was sure were going to attack us, and we met a dog taking herself for a walk.

Overall good run and some good fun.